Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It has been a LONG time...

Dear Readers,

It has been a LONG time since I've updated my Blog. This is my justification/apology blog entry.

First things first: I am sorry. When you "follow" a blog, you expect a little bit of writing now and then. I have not been following through with that, which certainly makes a blog much more boring.

So here I am, now faced with two options: 1. Do a quick summary and try to catch everyone up on the last few months of my life, or 2. Move on and do a better job.

I think I am picking option #2. Frankly, it is much easier. And my life hasn't really been exciting/funny/outrageous lately. The only thing that is of note lately is that I have had some health problems. (One of the reasons for not updating...) It is possible that I have (another) chronic pain condition and I have had some tests to determine a diagnosis. In the meantime, I am on medication that makes me drowsy A LOT!

Health problems aside, I am making it a goal to Blog 2-3 times per week. I cannot promise that every entry will be witty, entertaining, or mind-expanding, but I will certainly try! :-)

- Rachelle

P.S. My next entry will be my Christmas List - sweet, eh?


Saralou said...

Rachelle my dear so glad you are back! I am trying to keep my blog updated too, for mental health reasons, but I thought you might want to check it out. Ioooooove you!

Emily Marie said...

I hope you can start feeling better! I like reading your blog! :)

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